Sedation for your patients, in your own practice

Conscious sedation is a form of anesthesia that induces a state of relaxation and drowsiness in patients while allowing them to breathe independently and respond to commands. This method enables patients to receive treatment at their regular dental clinic, under the care of their familiar dentist, using their standard equipment. This can provide a comfortable and convenient experience for patients, as they can receive necessary procedures in a familiar environment without the need for specialized facilities or personnel.

Services Offered

  • We travel to your practice

  • Provide all specialised equipment required for the sedation

  • Perform the necessary consultations for your sedation procedure

  • We can send invoice to patients for the sedation or send the invoice to the practice

  • Provide a regular rotating schedule for sedation patients

How can sedation help you?

We have experience helping a number of patients and dentists with difficult clinical situations.

Procedures we can help with

  • Wisdom teeth extractions

  • All on four/All on X procedures

  • Cosmetic Dental procedures

  • General Dental procedures

We can also help with

  • Patients who gag

  • Difficult to anaesthetise patients

  • Severely anxious patients

  • Special needs cases

About Dr. Ryan Liang

DR RYAN LIANG graduated from Griffith University with First Class Honours in 2014 and a Graduate Diploma of Clinical Dentistry in Conscious Sedation and Pain Control at the University of Sydney in 2021. He is an active member of the Australian Society of Dental Anaesthesiology (ASDA) and attends regular refresher courses and scientific meetings to keep up to date with the latest in dental sedation.

In addition to his role as a dental sedationist, Ryan is an experienced general dentist with a wide range of clinical abilities and experience. In 2021, he was awarded the prestigious Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons. Furthermore he was also awarded a Diploma of Implantology and a Diploma of Orthodontics/Dentofacial Orthopaedics from University of Jaime II (UJI).

When Ryan is not working or studying, he enjoys spending time with his wife and friends, playing board games, walking the dogs, Latin dancing and hiking.

Awards and Affilitations:

  • Member of the Australian Society of Dental Anaesthesiology (ASDA)

  • Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons – FRACDS (GDP)

  • Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) 

  • Australian Dental Association Member

  • International Association of Orthodontics (IAO) Member