Post Operative Instructions

Link: PDF Version

It is important that the carer is aware of these instructions to help assist the patient whilst they are recovering from the sedation.
These instructions are to be followed in conjunction with specific instructions provided by your dental clinic

  • Patients need to be transported by private transport (e.g. car or taxi – NOT public transport, buses, trains) straight home, where there should be a quiet area for the patient to sit and lie down.

  • Please do not leave the patient unattended after the procedure for 24 hours.

  • The patient is not to drive, operate heavy machinery or be the responsible carer for any dependents for 24 hours

  • Falls risk – all sedation patients are at risk of falling after their procedure. Please ensure that the patient is not moving around unassisted or unsupervised for at least 24 hours after the procedure. Ideally the patient should sit or lie down at home until complete recovery from the sedation.
    If the patient needs to move around e.g. to the toilet, please provide support to the patient to ensure that he/she does not lose balance/fall while moving around.
    If you need to move up or down stairs/steps, please provide plenty of support to the patient when walking up the stairs – if you are unable to support the patient in the event of a fall, please enlist the help of someone who can help support the patient.

  • Food and drink – where possible, have a meal straight after your sedation procedure. Softer meals or shakes/smoothes may be more appropriate depending on the nature of the dental procedure performed.

  • Medications – take all medications as directed, if in doubt please contact the prescriber. Please do not leave the patient unattended at home whilst filling scripts – please fill scripts before departing from the clinic or ask a friend/family member to fill the script for you.

  • If there are any concerns, please contact the sedationist or dentist for further instruction. Seek hours medical help if you have concerns and are unable reach Queensland Dental Sedations or the Dental Practice.

  • Please call 000 (Triple-Zero), if you suspect a medical emergency, particularly if the patients circumstances drastically worsen over time.